Wednesday, April 17, 2013

RIP VIP more shirts!

Here's the second design, the coffin shape made from motifs from everyone in the class! R.I.P. V.I.P.~
We have black and white versions, and lots of different gradients....... Just a few examples. (sorry for the cell phone quality!)

But we have a lot of different options to choose from!  They are all done and ready to be worn by YOU.  Only $10 for models/participants in the show, and still only $15 for the general public!
Contact Meagan Jenigen, Kali Puder, or your R.I.P. V.I.P. representative to find out how to get yours!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

RIP VIP Shirt Design!

Here is the first design for the RIP VIP experimental fashion event t-shirts!  This will be a limited run hand silk-screened print available in a variety of color-ways.  
To order your shirt before the event, contact a RIP VIP representative.

Following is the proposed outfit for the Stage Hands Crew at RIPVIP:

Monday, March 11, 2013

Great eighties fashion at WOW report

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


This is the collaboration Travis described between Matthew Lutz, Kate Weintraub and Travis Boyer.

Travis mentioned the work of Miguel Androver. Here is a link to his 2012 line:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Being Thom Browne: His Moment Is Now / NYT

Check out this NYT article about Thom Browne being recognized in the mainstream after Michelle Obama chooses to wear one of his coats for the inauguration. Here is a link to the final walkthrough of his womenswear show, and stills of some of the pieces, including his bold choice for make-up on his models:

Here is a video of his menswear 2013-14 collection (image below)

Yukinori Meada // Cosmic Wonder

I remembered this artist/designer whose work spans fashion, installation and performance. Some of you may find some resonance in the work and specifically the philosophic approach.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Not Just A Label

A great website featuring young, contemporary designers with some excellent videos of runway shows!

James Hock above, Eleonor Bruno below

Umit Bulan follows: 

for more, visit:

Composition Improvisation

Watch this short video of an exercise in coming up with a tableau for their upcoming show, Vanitas, inspired by the Dutch still lifes. Composition Improvisation by Happenstance Theater

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Si Chan's collection at London College of Fashion
for more from this designer, click here.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Here is a link to the story about the Spanish artist who has women 'reenact' model poses in public places.  Funny and fantastically smart!

At ICA in Philly

February 6 through July 28, 2013
Artists: Hilton Als; Lynda Benglis; Bernadette Corporation; Genesis Breyer P-Orridge; Dexter Sinister with Halmos; Leif Elggren; Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven; Karen Kilimnik; Irena Knezevic; Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin; Erin Leland; Zoe Leonard; Wardell Milan; Paulina Olowska; Seth Price; Rammellzee; Nick Relph; Carissa Rodriguez; Aura Rosenberg, John Miller & Frank Lutz; Nader Sadek; Frances Stark; Catherine Sullivan; Scott Treleaven; and Amy Yao.
White Petals Surround Your Yellow Heart presents the work of artists engaged with clothing, adornment, and self-presentation to highlight the inventive design, tactical implementation, or sartorial sense by which we multiply and complete our personalities. On view in ICA's First Floor Space February 6 through July, 28, 2013, this group exhibition takes inspiration from this definition by novelist JG Ballard—"Fashion: A recognition that nature has endowed us with one skin too few, and that a fully sentient being should wear its nervous system externally."

Artworks in a variety of media infuse garments with a distinctive sense of pose—the exclusive province of neither the advertisement nor the runway—to stand, statue-like, with an attitude perfumed by immense mediation and an unsteady social sphere. With examples from outlandish costumes to self-published magazines, jewelry to sculpture, performance to painting, this sensibility permeates all fields. Oscillating between branding, self-recognition, sexuality, political uniform, and economic indicator, our adornment always reflects a chosen position in and with society. Told time and time again that ours is a narcissistic age, how do we positively reveal or covertly enact desires before the mirror of our time?
This exhibition is organized by ICA Associate Curator Anthony Elms, and is accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I shared the work of Christian Joy with students last year, but realized I had not posted about the costume designer this year. You may be familiar with their work - most known for costuming the singer Karen O. Kelsey Laseur, a graduate from last year, recently landed an internship there.